Samsung Galaxy S5 won’t connect to computer and is not recognized by Windows

You want to connect your Samsung Galaxy S5 with your computer or laptop and it not gets recognized by Windows as a new drive? We have summarized some possible solutions for this issue under the following sentences on this page. The Samsung Galaxy S5 is still a very popular smartphone on the market, even if the device is already a few months available. As used by Samsung the Smartphone also has many new features as compared to its predecessor. As always with any device, there are sometimes technical problems even when the Samsung Galaxy S5. One frequently mentioned problem is, that the Samsung Galaxy S5 won’t connect to the computer via UBS and Windows doesn’t recognize it as a new device. In General, there are several possible causes for the problem. We have described a solution on this page which has helped us in this case.

Galaxy S5 not recognized by Windows, how to fix this issue?

How to fix: Galaxy S5 not recognized by computer with Windows
How to fix: Galaxy S5 not recognized by computer with Windows

Under this heading we have described three possible solutions to you. If you have made other experiences with the error and know maybe more solutions, leave us a comment. Also we will be expanding the list from time to time.

  1. Drivers correctly installed: First, you should check that you have installed the current Samsung drivers. You can download the driver otherwise free on the Samsung website.
  2. Restart your smartphone: A smartphone restart can resolve an error by alone, which has already shown the past. For this reason, you should restart your Samsung Galaxy S5 and try it again.
  3. Check our USB-Cable: One common problem in this case is the USB cable. If you travel much and have the USB cable always present, then it may cause damage to the cable. For this reason, you should check the USB cable for damage or use another cable in the second step. So, you can prevent the error is caused by a damaged cable.
  4. Enable USB Debugging on your Galaxy S5: The last possible solution has to do with the USB Debbing on your Galaxy S5. For test purposes, you can enable this feature. It has helped many users to solve the problem ‘Samsung Galaxy S5 won’t connect to computer’

These were the known solutions for the error. Do you know other solutions or advice for this problem? Leave us a comment.

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